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2 ase wait.": 2 RIGHT 1: CLS : CLEAR 64799: 2 48/128 +2 tape ver 1.0. Ple 2 GO SUB 9900: RANDOMIZE USR 1 { Thought of the month: 1 x Other news, Rasputin PD software have MORE tape/disc packs 1 w The club is run by Joyce Cook who offers an excellent service.The library contains well over 1,500 programs ranging from gamesto utilitys. (Cassette and Disc.) So, if you've always wanted toget hold of a clasic piece of Speccy software, drop her a line. I must apolagise for my poor spelling, it was never my bestsubject. SORRY! 1 w Please mention Rasputin PD when you write. Now, for the demolovers out there, we have a few new music demos. We now have theAMD (AY-MUSIC DEMO) 1 and 2 demos from TOM SOFT featuring someof the best 128 music from erm, games and some POP MUSIC fromthe Pet Shop Boys. (Don't moan, its very good.) We also have THEMQM2 demo from the MQM team. These programs are on both tape anddisc. (PACKS 6 & 2.) For those of you who like to push your 128to the limit, we also have HYPERSONIC 2 128 (PACK 13) andNMI3 (PACK 10.) All of these are truely excellent programs. 1 s Please don't expect anything as good as ENIGMA, we just arn'tthat good. Anyway, enough of this rubbish. If you DO want towrite a section for us, drop us a line and in return we willsend you some FREE software. (Probably P.D.) 1 n PD Software." 1 m GO ON, PRESS THE SPCE BAR! 1 i Each month, we will be taking a look at whats new on theSpectrum front. We will try to cover all aspects of your machinebut unless YOU help us write this magazine, many features may bemissing. We need people for the following: 'Adventures', 'Tech','Games Reviews' and anything else you feel could be an asset tothe magazine. 1 h CHASE H.Q: Redefine keys as SHOCKED & ENTER for cheat menu. 1 e NOTICE TO ALL PD USERS: PD demos usually contain some 'WORDS'that might shock yer granny. It would be a good idea for anadult to check demos before letting young children view them. 1 bout the spelling mistakes. 1 a Dear Ron, 1 ` If you have any news or offers, drop me a line and I'll put themin this section for the next issue. 1 ^ When you eat a POLO, where does the hole go? 1 ] RAVE PD SOFTWARE, 1 [ UP FRONT... 1 Z Hello and welcome to this, the first issue of Sinclair News. Asmany of you will know, the last remaining Speccy mag is about togo. This is why we have decided to produce this. Like many ofyou, we don't want to see the speccy die, so we have all clubbedtogether and come up with this. I'm not quite sure just how manyspeccy owners there are now, but its our aim to reach ALL of youand satisfy your needs. 1 Z 1 > THE ORANGE EMU. 1 VESEND, KENT, DA12 5SH": PR 1 V IRON SOLDIER: Type G,A,D for infy everything. 1 V HYPERSONIC 2 (128). Now, it has to be said, this is one of thebest demos EVER seen on the humble Speccy. It features a truelybrilliant intro with an old man being scared out of his wits.There are some smashing samples here and a rather corny joke. Other parts include a water scrolly (WIBBLE!) and some prettyscreen effects. Agent X has done an excellent job on this.Unlike what he thinks, he is NOT a poor programmer. This shouldbe part of everyones collection. OVERALL: 90% 1 V As with all new magazines, we have hardly any letters to printso SEND US SOME. All letters featured in SINCLAIR NEWS come fromactual LIVING people and are not made up whilst sitting on the'THRONE'. 1 U NOW PRESS SPACE TO LOAD IN THE NEXT SECTION. 1 Send you cheats etc to the usual address. 1 S BLASTEROIDS (48/128). Cast your minds back to the days whenarcade games were simple and featured simple graphics and bleepsfor sound effects. Those were the days eh? And now, with thehelp of BLASTEROIDS you can relive those happy memories. Don'texpect anything brilliant from this, but for those of you whofancy a quick and fun arcade blast, this could be for you. Thegraphics are very basic are alightly jerky but, its FREE sotheres no major problem. All the arcade features are here,HYPERSPACE etc. This could'nt quite justify the `3.99 price tagof a budget game but, back in the days of the `1.99 games, thiswould have been right at home. However, price is not an issue.The game is PD therefore FREE. Well worth a few hours ofanybodys time. OVERALL: 80% 1 S AQUASQUAD: on the scrolly message type SYMBOL SHIFT AND C then 1 R ARMY MOVES: The code for part 2 is:627351. 1 R ALCHEMIST RESEARCH, 1 P' to pause text & space to 1 P THE TOTAL WASTE OF SPACE SECTION! 1 P Other interesting facts: Most vampire goats are called Vincent. 1 O This month we are joined by 'Daniel Winch', who is on loan fromthe land of the Amiga 500. (Forbidden fruit!) 1 N PD, 166 VALLEY DRIVE, GRA 1 N Our research team informs us, THE GREEN TURNIP FISH can often besighted in alotments across the Northfleet area. 1 N 3D STOCK CAR: Press BREAK 0 and 9 during the game to move to the 1 J LOTUS ESPRIT TURBO CHALLENGE: G.B.H. `3.99. RE-RELEASE. 1 J After the much hyped film, this little beast popped its head up.Upon its original release, many hailed the game as being 'quite'good. So, how does it compare today? Well, for a start the gamefollows the plot of the film fairly closly. All the graphics inthe game are quite good and there is a good amount of coloursplashed around. The sound is also O.K, there is somesort of anatempt at the TERMINATOR theme music, its not to bad but don'texpect to be blown away buy its quality.... The game starts offfairly easy and slowly gets harder. When and if you reach thefinal level, you will need to be super man to kill off the T100.It took us an age and that was when we was using and infinateenergy poke. The whole game is pretty good value with a good mixof different sections. I thought the original price tag was abit high but now on budget its a much better buy. 1 INT #3: PRINT #3;"Loading: 1 I NIGEL MANSELL'S WORLD CHAP: GREMLIN. `11.99. NEW RELEASE. 1 E More new packs should be available shortly. Don't forget, if wedon't have what you want, why not try Alchemist PD or Rave. 1 E Eds comment: If you have a favourite game, why not write us a review of it. Send all reviews to the usual address. 1 E EXOLON: Redefine keys as ZORBA for infy lives. 1 D SPECTRUM SOFTWARE HIRE, 1 D Now this is my kind of game. I must admit, I did enjoy this whenit was first released a few years ago. I first played this on anAmiga and I was quite impressed with the speed etc. I wasn'texpecting much of the Speccy version though. Well, I wassupprised. This version still has all the splender of its 16 bitcounter parts. The graphics are crisp and clear, thepresentation is second to none and the sound is excellent. 128owners load the game in one go and do not have the problem withthe multi-load. 48 owners miss out on the music and do get amulti-load. The whole game is excellent. There is also a twoplayer option which allows you and a friend (soon to be anenemy) to battle against the other cars in a desperate bid tocome first. The whole thing shines with class. Now, driving fanswill LAP (Oh dear...) this up, arcade fans may also enjoy it. Idon't think its one for adventure fans though 1 C The nearest thing you can get to the F1 grand prix. If you castyour mind back, you may remember the original Mansell game. 6hatwas some what of a corker. The second one isn't a let downeither. To start with, the graphics look DIGITISED from theAmiga, the is a great sense of speed and there are some greatengine noises and tunes. There have been many racing gamesreleased on the Speecy, many good, many bad. It has to be said,this is one of the better ones. There are loads of nice effects,such as the way you can customise your car, and practice ondifferent tracks. The whole game has a sort of a QUALITY feel toit. Published by Gremlin (Who also did Lotus) it comes of nosupprise that the game is so good. Its just a pity more softwarehouses don't relases such good programs. I don't know if Gremlinhave any future plans for Speccy releases, but I will be lookingfoward to finding out... 1 B Not alot happening on the games front thismonth, but I suspect things will be getting even worse other thecoming months. So, we will review ANY new titles and some of theolder ones from the SSH catalogue. Full details are given oneach review. 1 A Yes, its the point where we take a lookat some of the programs currently floating around on the PDscene. This month we take a look at these: 1 A Yes, its poke time. Time for those littlecheats that make life that little bit easier. 1 A The tape swop system is used purely for PD, so if you or anyone else have a selection of PD goodies stashed away,let me know what you've got and I will will swop it for titlesout of the Catalogue. Darren. 1 A I enjoy your 'Clinic' in the SSH newsletter and Iam interested in your tape swop. Can you tell me how this works. 1 A Each issue, we will publish your letters here. The best letter of the month can choose a FREE pack from thecatalogue. We don't care what you write about, it can beANYTHING!! Nothing RUDE please, these sort of letters will gostraight into the Vampire Goats Dinner Bowl... Send all lettersand comments to me, DARREN RANDLE at the Rasputin address. 1 @=OUR ADDRESS:RASPUTIN PD SOFTWARE, 166 VALLEY DRIVE, GRAVESEND, 1 @ THE PD REVIEW SECTION: 1 @ THE NEWS HEADLINES: 1 @ READERS OUTPUT: 1 @ PUBLIC DOMAIN UPDATE: 1 @ Kind regards, Ron Ridge. Powys. 1 @ IT'S THE POKE SQUAD! 1 @ GAMES REVIEWS: 1 @ EDITORS COMMENT: 1 @ As the regular customers of RASPUTIN PDwill no doubt tell you, we offer mainly PD demos. For those ofyou who want games, RAVE PD has a good selection. For a freecatalogue, send a STAMPED S.A.E to: 1 @ As most of you will have noticed, there ishardly any new software out for the spectrum. Now I don't knowif there will be any more re-releases planned after the collapseof Your Sinclair Magazine, but we will let you know when and ifit happens. In the mean time, we will review software available from the 'SPECTRUM SOFTWARE HIRE' catalogue. Anyone who isn't amember should send a STAMPED S.A.E to the following address. 1 @ Ahem, what news? Well, for those of you who are interested in another good tape magazine or PD library thiscompany might be right up your street. Andy Davis runs a companycalled 'Alchemist Research'. He offers a tape magazine 'ALCHNEWS', a PD library and a friendly service. If you want detailsof whats up for grabs, send him a blank C15 cassette and a S.A.Eand he will post you the details. His address: 1 ;"Sorry about the spelling mistakes...": 1 ;"SINCLAIR NEWS ISSUE 1."' 1 ;"RASPUTIN PD, 166 VALLEY DRIVE, GRAVESEND, KENT, DA12 5SH": 1 ;"Press 'P' to pause text & space to load next block." 1 ;"Loading: 48/128 +2 tape ver 1.0. Please wait.": 1 ;"(C) 1993 Neon Publishing & Rasputin PD Software." 1 : BA14 ONP. 1 6 SHEFFIELD, 1 6 S13 7LN. 1 5 STOKE ON TRENT, 1 5 62 TITHE BARN LANE, 1 3 Neon Publishing & Rasputi 1 24 PRINT #3: PRINT #3;"Sorry a 1 23638-753": 1 23637+256* 1 23 PRINT #3: PRINT #3;"RASPUTI 1 22 PRINT #3: PRINT #3;"(C) 199 1 21 PRINT #3: PRINT #3;"Press ' 1 20 PRINT #3;"SINCLAIR NEWS ISS 1 10 PAPER 0: BORDER 0: INK 7: B 1 1 ST10 4NN. 1 1 GO TO 35 1 0 TROWBRIDGE, 1 / 6 TEANHURST CLOSE, 1 . LOWER TEAN, 1 - WOODHOUSE, 1 - THE RATINGS: GRAPHICS: 90% SOUND: 90% OVERALL: 90% 1 - ANDY DAVIS, 1 - 2 > THE GREEN TURNIP FISH. 1 ) 32 DURSLEY ROAD, 1 & 4 > THE MONGOLIAN FRUIT HORSE. 1 & 3 > THE MARROW SHAPED CAT. 1 " 5 > THE VAMPIRE GOAT. (ALSO SPOTTED IN WILTSHIRE!) 1 next race. 1 load next block." 1 for next issue. Send us your letters, views, reviews, moans,tips and cheats, film reviews and anything else that you thinkpoeple might enjoy. The next issue will be available on the 1stof August. For a copy send a TAPE/DISC, 20p coin and a STAMPEDS.A.E to the usual address. 1 available for the cheap price of `1.00 to `1.50. Please ask me for a catalogue if you want one. 1 We thought we would take a look at the U.K's top 5 farm animals.Please note: Some of these animals can only be sighted incertain places around the Kent area... 1 The orange Emu is infact yellow! 1 THE RATINGS: GRAPHICS: 85% SOUND: 90% OVERALL: 91% 1 THE RATINGS: GRAPHICS: 80% SOUND: 70% OVERALL: 82% 1 TERMINATOR 2: HIT-SQUAD. `3.99. RE-RELEASE. 1 SINCLAIR NEWS. ISSUE 1. JULY 1993. 1 KENT, DA12 5SH, ENGLAND. 1 Don't forget, we need anything and everything 1 Dear Darren, 1 726549. This gives infinate everything. 1 People voted for John Major. (WHO???)